Assessment of Drugs Production Operations Impact on Minerals and Heavy Metals Levels of Soils Around the Facilities
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Department of Chemical Sciences, Federal University Wukari, PMB 1020, Taraba State, Nigeria
Submission date: 2023-12-02
Acceptance date: 2023-12-14
Publication date: 2023-12-30
Trends in Ecological and Indoor Environmental Engineering, 2023;1(1):1-6
Pharmaceutical industries, involved in the formulation and production of drugs, have contributed immensely to providing essential medications. However, similar to other industrial operations using conventional methods, chemical spills and environmental pollution are common. This study assessed the impact of pharmaceutical production operations on the levels of Mg, Al, Si, Zn, Fe, and Pb, linked to the raw materials used in production operations, with the exception of Pb. The results revealed that the levels of analyzed minerals and heavy metals followed this magnitude: Fe > Al > Mg > Zn > Si > Pb. The most and least abundant analytes were Fe (18,348 mg/kg) and Pb (38.32 mg/kg), respectively. The order of contamination, based on the geo-accumulation index, was Zn (0.885) > Pb (0.867) > Fe (-1.75) > Al (-4.77) > Mg (-5.68) > Si (-11.22). Similarly, the contamination factors were in the same order: Zn (2.77) > Pb (2.73) > Fe (0.447) > Al (0.054) > Mg (0.0290) > Si (6.28·10-4). The geo-accumulation index and contamination factor indicate moderate contamination by Zn and Pb, respectively. In conclusion, the pharmaceutical companies under review have not significantly impacted the environment. Moreover, the moderate organic carbon content (1.45 %), high ECEC (28.50 ± 0.76 cmol/kg), along with the alkaline nature (pH 8.86) of the test sample pharmaceuticals (TSP), may further restrain mineral and heavy metal mobility, such as available phosphorus, zinc, lead, and iron, among others. However, the sandy nature of the soil may ease relative immobilization due to alkaline pH and organic matter.
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