Transitioning to a Сlimate-Resilient Society: Empirical Evidence on What Drives the Adoption of Green Computing Policies in Nigerian Organisations
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Department of Cell Biology and Genetics (Environmental Biology), University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria
Department of Medical Science, University of Tasmania (UTAS), Hobart, Australia
Graduate Program, College of Law, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, United States
School of Politics, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Department of Science Policy and Innovation Studies, National Centre for Technology Management, Lagos, Nigeria
Submission date: 2024-02-03
Acceptance date: 2024-03-17
Publication date: 2024-03-30
Trends in Ecological and Indoor Environmental Engineering, 2024;2(1):28-34
Promoting all efforts that centres around environmental sustainability is a collective responsibility. This paper recognizes the axiom that embracing green computing principles across all sectors, not just in corporations, leads to low-carbon development strategies and contributes positively to our planet. Hinged on this perspective, this study was poised to succinctly identify what drives the adoption of green computing policies, justify them, and recommend strategic policies based on the existing experience of other developed countries. The present study employed convenience sampling, a widely used non-probability sampling method, where participants are selected based on their availability and willingness to participate in the study. Limitations that hinder the adoption of green computing policies in some Nigerian organizations were examined. Primary data was collected from 52 participants, specifically top managers on the awareness, adoption, or practice of green computing policies in their affiliated organizations. Most respondents claimed awareness of green computing policies, while the use of power management features was considered the most adopted green initiative. However, when respondents were asked whether their organizations were doing enough to reduce their carbon footprint and operational cost through green computing initiatives, most respondents (61.5%) claimed their organization was not doing enough in this regard. It is important to note that this study considered several factors that are critical for the adoption of green computing, namely knowledge transfer, financing, availability of basic infrastructure (energy supply), presence of investors and the increasing number of recycling centres. Additionally, this paper reasoned that achieving a climate-resilient society, particularly through the adoption of green computing principles, necessitates ongoing and deliberate efforts focused on public awareness, green investment, and stringent corporate green policy guidelines, with a focused training approach for every member of the organization.
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