Effect of the Type and Amount of Sedimented Sand and Clay Dust on the Energy of the Solar Panel
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Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Adrar, Adrar, Algeria
Faculty of Mechanics, University of Djelfa, Djelfa, Algeria
Submission date: 2024-09-11
Acceptance date: 2024-10-21
Publication date: 2024-10-30
Corresponding author
Fidjah Abdelkader
Trends in Ecological and Indoor Environmental Engineering, 2024;2(3):20-25
The application of solar energy utilization in the world to generate electricity is established. The use of solar panels to generate electricity has witnessed steady scientific progress and plays a significant role in confronting environmental pollution. For solar panels, the efficiency depends to a large extent on the relationship between the solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface and the dust layer covering the panels.In the case of a solar panel collecting a large amount of dust in its working place, the solar radiation is first diluted through the dust layer before it reaches the panel. This is the main reason for the decrease in the panel’s efficiency.

It is of utmost importance to study the effects of dust on the design of photovoltaic devices. The potential power reduction of panels due to dust is a pressing issue, with immediate consequences for the operation and number of panels in large solar power plants. This work aims to urgently study the effect of dust accumulation on the front surface of solar panels.

The experiment is being conducted on two different solar panels: the first is monocrystalline with a power of 200 watts, and the second is polycrystalline with a power of 280 watts. Two types of dust – sand and clay – are being used in quantities ranging from 5 g to 25 g.

The introduction of sand dust led to a substantial decrease in the energy output of the monocrystalline solar panel, ranging from 3.3% to 7.5 %. Similarly, the use of clay dust resulted in a significant energy drop of 4% to 8%.While the energy of the polycrystalline plate decreased between 2.5% to 6.7% when using sand dust and between 3% to 7.1% when using clay dust.

Our research uncovers the negative impact of dust on the efficiency of solar panels, particularly in the case of monocrystalline panels and those exposed to clay dust. This opens up avenues for further research and exploration in the field of solar technology.
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